Sunday, April 15, 2012
Mob mentality.
I recently spent a fun but exhausting 10 days with my boyfriend and his aunt. My boyfriend does not help me at all. I change all diapers, all clothes, I am the only one to wake up with the baby in the night, I am the only one to bathe him. Aside from maybe 30 minutes of holding him every other day and only if hes not fussy or wiggly my boyfriend is pretty uninvolved. Well though uninvovled he has decided that he is a baby expert and is constantly harassing my about how or what I am doing to the baby. I ignore him for the most part because if I said anything it would be a magical waterfall of never ending freakout that would last for at least three days of me screaming about all of the things he does and doesn't do that bug the crap out of me. Well this trip every weird crazy thing he decided was a baby fact all of a sudden was also picked up by his aunt and they became chickens pecking me to death with weird made up baby facts and misinformation. My boyfriend decided wind was the root cause of ear infections. For ten days I heard constantly from his aunt the second we went outside. " Oh no I hope the wind doesn't give him an ear infection." Then affirmed by my expert baby daddy. Also the cold causes a cold.... sure it can cause the cold in the air is made up of viruses. Now mix this idea with an elderly woman and a man who has smoked for 20 years and add their terrible circulation and pretty much my baby and me sweated to death the entire time because all of my pleas to turn the heat down's were ignored by the freezing people. All while being attacked with "Isn't he cold?" "He needs a jacket hes going to get sick." " I sure hope he doesn't get sick because you took his pants off." My poor kid was sweating through his onsies. I kept haveing to pretend I wanted to sit outside on the patio to try and cool him off which then brought on the " Nooooooo not outside! Wind! Ear infections! Cold! Sick!" Well the best part? Baby is so hot guess what happens? "He's got a fever!!!!" Guess who has to take his teperature constatly? Oh yes me. He never has a fever, at one point hes got a 99.1 temperature. But guess what fixed it? Yep stripping him down to his diaper. Then lets add my boyfriends concern that the baby sleeping by me will kill him from sids. Its called crib death for a reason. And he doesn't sleep by me all night. I usually grab the baby at the end of the night at his 6 am wakeup and let him hang out by me until he falls asleep. We get up at 7 when dad wakes up anyways. But he doesn't listen to me explain this because hes the expert and efing sleeps through the night and never gets up for the baby. Well while on vacation in a weird place I let the baby sleep by me a lot more. Because the bed she had was well a sheet on cardboard and I didn't want to wake up ever 45 minutes like I did the first two nights I put him in there. This brought on constant talk of him, first never sleeping in his own bed and always sleeping with us until hes 5, then to him not even surviving that long because of sids. Constant chatter from the baby expert and affirmation from his aunt. Now I got no sleep pretty much the whole vacation. Our bed is in the living room whenever me and the baby try to nap guess what happens? ITS TV TIME! They literally sit 5 feet from me and the kid chatting talking laughing and watching loud tv. So what happens? Baby wakes up. But guess why hes up? Because he can't sleep in his own bed because I always let him sleep with me. I was so glad to leave.
stay at home mom,
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